More Encouragement for Writers

Hey ~ fancy bumping into you here.  How’s it going, man?  How’ve you been?  I haven’t seen you since we discussed your current work-in-progress over strawberry and banana split smoothies a while back!

Don’t remember?  I’m not surprised.  You had a lot of smoothies.  You told me about your project.  A project you don’t seem to be working on at the moment…

Continue reading “More Encouragement for Writers”

Writer Encouragement

Some motivating words ~ writer to writer.

Hey there!

Are you pumped?  Because I’m pumped.  I’m super ultra excited.  Why?  Well, a little brown booby bird told me that you’re in the middle of writing something.  And I think that’s awesome. Continue reading “Writer Encouragement”

Writer’s Block: Falling Out of Love with Your Project

What to do when you and your project are no longer on speaking terms…

We’ve all been there.  The little spats we have with our writing.  No relationship is perfect, not even when it’s with your own project.  Here are the steps I take when my stories and I don’t get along.

Continue reading “Writer’s Block: Falling Out of Love with Your Project”